variable transformer

英 [ˈveəriəbl trænsˈfɔːmə(r)] 美 [ˈveriəbl trænsˈfɔːrmər]

n.  可调变压器



  1. TVF Time Variable Filter low-pass filter type impedance transformer
  2. VIDT ( Variable Inductance Displacement Tranducer) phase shifting transformer
  3. Based on the design process of linear variable differential transformer ( LVDT), the expert design system of LVDT is put forward.
  4. Test and Analysis about the Linear Accuracy of the TWX Miniature Linear Variable Differential Transformer
  5. But the practical series resonant topology with open-loop control is not constant current charging characteristic because of the influence of the variable DC bus voltage and the distributed capacitors of the high voltage transformer and the rectifier unit.
  6. In order to test a glass-shell measurement based on the Linear Variable Differential Transformer ( LVDT), the sphere surface fitting is done with least square approximation, and its corresponding square surface is founded with its radius of curvature.
  7. Outlined in this paper are the technical conditions of an automatic changeover system for variable speed control of utility boiler fans and the way to automatically control the fan inlet vanes through a function transformer by using speed settings as well.
  8. A primary variable transformer system of the diagnostic neutral beam power with relay control
  9. An Automatic Variable Power Heating Method to Purify Transformer Oil
  10. Design of time grating sensor based on variable coupling coefficient transformer
  11. Signal conditioning circuit AD698 for Linear Variable Differential Transformer ( LVDT) is introduced, and the application of this circuit can greatly simplify the circuit design.
  12. Design of Measuring Equipment of Linear Variable Differential Transformer ( LVDT) Displacement Based on SCM
  13. The design of a linear variable differential transformer readout circuit with phase-sensitive detector
  14. A test about linear variable differential transformer ( LVDT) is made. The experiment shows that the sensor has a very ideal measurement result in the range of 10~ ( 4)~ 10~ 0 Hz.
  15. Large capacity variable reactor can be realized by adopting the structure of transformer with multiple secondary windings.
  16. Variable speed wind turbine 、 permanent magnet generator 、 three-phase AC-DC-DC-AC converter as well as transformer, are introduced in the thesis for establishing variable-speed wind energy conversion systems.
  17. Under the premise of satisfy the constraints, the control center optimization algorithm calculated the variable target, then adjust the control variables ( This distribution transformer tap stalls and compensation for the number of capacitor banks) in order to achieve the minimum network loss.